
Quality Assurance Machining During COVID-19

Quality Assurance Machining During COVID-19

In these uncertain times of COVID-19, it's important for the Euro Machining team to reassure our clients that we are still ready and able to take on your machining, prototyping, and assembly projects. Our team achieves higher standards while striving to meet our most...

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A Look Into New Lathe and Grinding Techniques

A Look Into New Lathe and Grinding Techniques

Euro Machining offers CNC Milling and Turning technologies. CNC stands for Computer Numerical Control. These machines are automated milling devices that make industrial components without direct human assistance. They use coded instructions that are sent to an...

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Outsourcing Assembly Work in Santa Clara CA

Outsourcing Assembly Work in Santa Clara CA

Companies Outsource for Five Major Reasons There are five major reasons for companies outsourcing assembly work. They include: variable versus fixed overhead, not having to hire and train and fire assembly techs, just simply not in the business of doing certain kinds...

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A Look Into New Lathe and Grinding Techniques

A Look Into New Lathe and Grinding Techniques

Euro Machining offers CNC Milling and Turning technologies. CNC stands for Computer Numerical Control. These machines are automated milling devices that make industrial components without direct human assistance. They use coded instructions that are sent to an...

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